Sunday, 31 January 2010

Free publicity is good publicity....

The Halifax Evening Courier decided to feature the launch of our new cheese - Pexommier. The picture took some doing though - me and Andrew squeezed together hunched over a pile of cheese for what seemed like an age.

Read the first comment below the article. Local newspapers are there for free publicity! It is down to companies like ours to create news stories for them. Unfortunately (or not) :-) free publicity does follow when they decide that we've created a story worthy of reporting.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Australia is catching up with us....

Word of East Lee Soft Cheese is slowly spreading around the globe. Not entirely sure how the aussies got hold of this but it seems that they've heard of the Todmorden Incredible Edible initiative and more importantly East Lee Soft. Follow the link to read the article courtesy of The Age.....

Sunday, 10 January 2010

I'm now a lot fitter.....

.... from walking up to the cheese headquarters due to the snow. Unfortunately, I only have a little sports car that is completely useless in the snow, so over the past couple of weeks I've had to resort to leaving it on the main road and completing the journey on foot.

My mind has wandered between wondering if you can actually get frostbite in Todmorden, to wondering why I didn't build the cheese factory in the valley bottom. I've even contemplated buying some ridiculous 4x4 car but ruled this out because I definitely prefer my Celica. The 20 minute walk has certainly filled my head with ideas, just imagine what a walk to the South Pole would do to my imagination.

I forced myself to be constructive in this time of cold desperation, resulting in me re-designing/re-writing the Pextenement Cheese website in my head. So, roll on 5 days of being hunched over my laptop, coding what has filled my head for the last few days, albeit with a few excursions into Facebook etc., to keep my sanity.

I've almost keyed it all in, I'm just testing it now. The results will be available soon, hope you all like the new look......

ps. if anyone wants a website, let me know.......

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Pextenement Cheese Company wins an award....

Many thanks to everyone who voted for Pextenement Cheese Company in the recent Todmorden Business Association awards. We won the inaugral 'Totally Locally Hero' award - for the best Todmorden product or service of 2009.

More details (and a rare picture of Carl!) can be found in this newspaper article....